Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Final Thoughts
Lavinia Margaret Engle

Edith Houghton Hooker

Maryland's resistance to women voting

I also found this online on the Maryland Archives website. This Resolution is the Maryland General Assembly's reaction to Congress' 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote in the United States. Also, it distinctly states that Maryland will not ratify this amendment, however, as my previous post shows, Maryland's ratification was not needed.
Women can vote

Emma Maddox Funck

Emma Maddox Funck was the sister of Etta Maddox and like her sister was a suffragist. Mrs. Funck was widely involved in clubs and organizations supporting woman suffrage movements. She was the president of the Baltimore Suffrage Club from 1897 to 1920, which was a part of the National Woman Suffrage Association. Additionally, Mrs. Funck was the president of the Maryland Woman Suffrage Association from 1904 to 1920. In 1921, Emma along with five other women found the Maryland Federation of Republican Women and she became the president of the Baltimore Republican Club. Mrs. Funck also ran for legislature in 1923 and ran for Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in Baltimore, however, she did not win either. "Mrs. Funck led a full and active life…in her own way, (she) helped to make some of the gains upon which feminists who followed her based their actions and moved ahead to make additional gains for all women" (Wallace, 145-146).[1]
[1]Wallace, Mal Hee Son. "Emma J. Maddox Funck, 1853-1940: Maryland Suffrage Leader" In Notable Maryland Women, edited by Winifred G. Helmes, 225-29. Cambridge: Tidewater Publishers, 1977.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Purpose of the Blog

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Maryland Admits Women to the Bar

As a result of the Maryland General Assembly changing the law to allow women to practice law in Maryland, Etta Maddox became the first woman admitted to the Maryland bar.[1]
[1] "Maryland's Woman Lawyer", The New York Times, September 12, 1902, (accessed October 17, 2009).

Finally, this article is significant because it mentions Etta Maddox's first trial and it mentions that she is representing her brother-in-law. Again, had it not been for Maryland legislature changing the law, Etta Maddox would not have had the opportunity to be counsel in these cases.[2]
[2] "Miss Maddox Is Counsel", The Baltimore Sun, September 27, 1905, (accessed October 17, 2009).
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Margaret Brent, the real first woman attorney in Maryland

According to majority of sources I've come in contact regarding Etta Maddox, Margaret Brent is referred to as Maryland's first woman lawyer, however, the sources always point out that the actual first woman attorney in Maryland was Margaret Brent. According to the book, Notable Maryland Women,
In Maryland and in other North American settlements most litigants depended upon their own legal ability or on that of experienced but unprofessional attorneys until well into the eighteenth century. Nor was it unusual for women to appear in the colonial courts.[1]
Margaret Brent is not only known as Maryland's first woman lawyer, she could also be known as a suffragist. According to the Maryland State Archives website, "on January 21, 1648, Margaret Brent appeared before the assembly and requested two votes. She asked one for herself as a landowner and one as Lord Baltimore's attorney."[2]
[1]Masson, Margaret W. "Margaret Brent, 1601-1671: Lawyer, Landholder-Entrepreneur." In Notable Maryland Women, edited by Winifred G. Helmes, 44. Cambridge: Tidewater Publishers, 1977.
[2] The Maryland State Archives. "Margaret Brent (ca.1601-ca. 1671)." (accessed November 29, 2009).
New River Notes. Picture of Margaret Brent, (accessed November 29, 2009).
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
In re Maddox

I added a link on the left of the page labeled as In re Maddox. This link will lead you to the case before the Maryland Court of Appeals regarding Etta Maddox's application for admission to the Maryland State Bar and the Court of Appeals decision. I found this case on Westlaw.[1]
This case is important because it is regarding Etta Maddox's application to be admitted to the Maryland Bar. During this time, women were not permitted to practice law in Maryland. The Maryland Court of Appeals decided that " we are not to be understood as disparaging the laudable ambition of females to become lawyers. It is for the general assembly to declare what class of person shall be admitted to the bar. We have no power to enact legislation. The courts can only interpret what the legislature adopts. "
This article is from the Baltimore Sun. It announces the Maryland Court of Appeals decision to not admit Etta Maddox to the Bar. Also, it announces Ms. Maddox's plans to take the issue to legislature. [2]
[2] "Bars Woman Lawyer," The Baltimore Sun, November 22, 1901, (accessed October 17, 2009).